Blogs |

Introducing Sustainable Concord – A Climate Action and Resilience Plan

Climate Action in Concord

In 2017, Concord set a goal to reduce community-wide GHG emissions 80% by 2050. At our current ...

Kate Hanley - 08-12-2020


Concord Eats: Interview with Local Food Champions

Concord has a long history with farming and agriculture. 

From the creation of the Concord Grape, to land which has ...

Erin Stevens, Marshall Farm, East Quarter Farm, Hutchins Farm & Barrett's Mill Farm - 09-09-2021


Smart Water Management Tips

July 2019 was the hottest July on record in Massachusetts, with this past July (2020) falling just short of tying the re...

Kate Hanley - 09-02-2020


7 Questions for EV Owner, Andrew Roley:

Concord is home to more than 400 electric vehicles, making the Town a leader in zero carbon transportation. Electric veh...

Kate Hanley - 11-25-2020


Be Energy Wise this Fall

Almost all of us are spending more time at home this year. That means more energy used at home, powering computers for w...

Kate Hanley - 10-06-2020


Resolutions for a Sustainable New Year!

It is safe to say that most of us are excited to say goodbye to 2020 and cheers to 2021. Have you made your New Year&rsq...

Kate Hanley - 01-04-2021


Concord Eats: Bonus Recipes!

Recipe courtesy of Barrett’s Mill Farm

“With fall coming up we've had winter squash on our minds! This is...

Barrett's Mill Farm & Huchins Farm - 09-09-2021


Is it Possible to Reduce Waste During the Holidays? Spoiler alert: yes!

It’s the trashiest time of the year—but it doesn’t have to be. Did you know that Americans throw away ...

Kate Hanley - 12-07-2020


Concord's Sustainability Champions Series: Maggie Bowers

Welcome to Concord’s Sustainability Champions Series, where we highlight brilliant work of climate leaders around ...

Kate Hanley - 02-09-2021